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Handicrafts and Art Education

The program is called "Shatara Egypt."


The Shatara Egypt program aims to support artisans across all governorates by providing training and marketing their products on the online store, as well as organizing exhibitions to showcase their products.

The Shatara Egypt program is divided into several branches, including:

1- Handicraft Training:


This involves theoretical and practical training in various handicrafts such as sewing, embroidery, leatherworking, and more. It also supports artistic talents like drawing, graphic design, photography, and video editing. These courses qualify participants to create their own exhibition, enabling them to work, find employment, or start their own projects.


2- Camps:


Shatara Egypt exhibitions showcase handicrafts and artistic talents. These exhibitions are held in all governorates and are not limited to graduates of Shatara Egypt courses. Anyone with handmade products can participate and showcase their work.


3- Mashkata Store:


This is an online store where products and information about exhibitors are uploaded to facilitate the sale of products through marketing.


4- Mobile Carts:


These are mobile carts used to display exhibitors' products, making it easy for sales and marketing.


5- Summer Markets:


These are activities aimed at creating marketing opportunities for exhibitors of handicrafts. Participants can showcase their products in camps and exhibitions, increasing the marketing of their products. These markets are regularly organized events.