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The Vision of Mishkat Nour Foundation

Building a secure, non-random human community that enhances sustainable development rates.

The Vision of Mishkat Nour Foundation
Social Mission

Social Mission

Activating self and community control through the Ethics Kiosk project and redirecting the path of civil society organizations towards behavior, in parallel with various aids.

The Goals of Mishkat Nour Foundation

1- To reduce random behavior in the areas served by the Ethics Kiosk through the Community Police program.


2- To enhance educational, cultural, artistic, and entertainment levels through the School of Ethics and Hearts programs.


3- To achieve the highest poss...

The Goals of Mishkat Nour Foundation
General Objectives of Mishkat Nour Foundation

General Objectives of Mishkat Nour Foundation

1- To grant the Ethics Kiosk project to institutions and non-governmental organizations in villages and impoverished areas to operate according to its methods and programs, providing technical and administrative support through the Compass program.


2- To provide basic life nece...

? Why Mishkat

1- Mishkat Nour introduced a new goal to the Sustainable Development Goals endorsed by the United Nations, which is to modify human behavior.


2- It is the first civil society organization to activate the principles of self-control and community control through the Community Pol...

? Why Mishkat
The Concept

The Concept

Civil society works towards raising sustainable development rates.


Civil society works primarily towards providing social assistance and establishing projects only. 

(The individual is the main component in sustainable development)

Reducing Sustainable Development Rates

Reducing Sustainable Development Rates

If behavior is poor, it will result in:


Unemployment, thuggery, moral decay, bad behaviors, environmental deterioration, and educational decline.

Increasing Sustainable Development Rates

If behavior is good, it will result in:


Economic empowerment, sound awareness, better education, healthy behaviors, environmental improvement, and good morals.

Increasing Sustainable Development Rates
? So, what is the solution to the behavioral problem

? So, what is the solution to the behavioral problem

The solution is the Ethics Kiosk project to link social assistance with behavior.

What is the Ethics Kiosk

The Ethics Kiosk comprises 12 main programs, encompassing 140 sub-programs, all designed to achieve the foundation's goals for which it was established.


As moral laxity is the root cause of societal weakness, it is essential to address and restore it. Ethics serve as the drivin...

What is the Ethics Kiosk
: Ethics Kiosk is available in

: Ethics Kiosk is available in

Cairo, Port Said, Aswan, Damietta, Fayoum, Tanta, Ismailia, Luxor, Sohag

: Programs of the Morality Kiosk

The Compass - chaste homes - Continuous Education - Shatara - I Have a Question - Community Police - Hearts - Bridges - Scientific Publishing - Work Ethics - Distinguished Education - Productive Units 

: Programs of the Morality Kiosk

Locations of the ethics booth
